Tuesday, January 1, 2013

You know you're old when...

...you can barely stay away until midnight to ring in the new year. 

I had to work yesterday, so I knew I'd be tired by the time midnight rolled around. Mark had the day off, so he was able to stay home with the pup and we were able to meet up for lunch! You don't realize how much you miss this until it becomes a rarity. We used one of our gift cards from Christmas and met up at Pei Wei. I love that place because I literally get three meals out of it.

I knew it'd be a slow news day yesterday, but I was surprised when my boss sent us home around 3. I came straight home, plopped down on the couch with Mark and watched Bowfinger until around 6. I'd never seen that movie before, but I love Steve Martin and loved the flick! After being lazy for a few hours, Mark and I were ready to head to the gym before getting ready for our night. I attempted a treadmill workout I'd seen on a blog I follow, but had to change it up a bit when I started huffing and puffing at the toughest parts. Regardless, I sweat a lot, so I can't complain.

Mark and I had plans to meet up with my friend Marcia, her boyfriend and friends at Ringo's. I made sure to order a giant pretzel ASAP. :) We stayed at Ringo's for around an hour and a half, then Mark and I decided to venture over to the pub next door and see what was happening there.

As you would expect, it was packed and we didn't stay too long. We ended up heading to our safe place, Brick House, to grab a drink and wait out the next hour. Mark's friend, Matt, met up with us as well and we enjoyed some good food, drink and conversation. Before we knew it, I was watching Gordon Keith ring us into the new year. I didn't last long after midnight, but when you're 26 and used to being in bed before 10 every night, can you blame me?

I'm already feeling good about 2013. My husband just made pancakes and I'm spending my morning being lazy on the couch. I can't complain about that! :)

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