Monday, September 3, 2012

Our Wedding Day In Photos

My wedding dress on the adorable hanger Karina got for me.
Always a nerve-wracking moment.
Mark with his best man, Tony, and groomsman, Matt. 
Mark and I decided to write letters to each other before our wedding day and exchange them during the first look.
Best day of my entire life.
So happy to marry my best friend.
Dramatic photo, I know, but I thought it was kind of cool.
Surrounded by our best friends.
And family.
And more family.
And some more family.
Love my bridesmaids so much.
The ceremony.
Am I a lucky lady or what?
Time for the reception at Coyote Ridge Golf Club.
Our first dance to "I Want To Hold Your Hand."
Chocolate peanut butter cake.
(leftovers do make a delicious breakfast)
Best moment of the night?
Dancing ensued for the rest of the night.
And we lived happily ever after.
Our wedding photos were taken by Lauren Guy Photography. I will be uploading more to Facebook sometime soon. Thank you again to everyone who made this the best day of our lives so far! :)

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